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摩根士丹利計劃提供與最大加密貨幣相關的復雜衍生品交易, 據一位知情人士透露, 他與其他華爾街公司正在一道提為客戶創造參與數字貨幣市場的方式。
這位知情人士表示, 美國銀行將處理一些合同, 以便讓投資者能夠全局掌握比特幣的綜合表現, 他要求匿名,因為這些信息是保密的。該人士表示, 投資者將能夠使用所謂的價格回報互換來進行長期或短期的交易, 而摩根士丹利將收取每筆業務的差價。
該人士表示, 該行提供比特幣互換交易的技術已經準備妥當,并將在經過驗證的機構客戶需求和完成內部審批程序后推出。摩根士丹利發言人拒絕就這一舉措置評。
華爾街最大的幾家銀行都在有計劃地推進為客戶提供與數字資產掛鉤的復雜衍生品, 即使加密數字貨幣的市場價值崩潰。高盛集團和花旗集團也在準備與比特幣掛鉤的新產品, 即使比特幣今年以來貶值超過一半。
該人士表示, 摩根士丹利不打算直接交易比特幣, 其互換與比特幣期貨合約掛鉤。首席執行官詹姆斯戈爾曼在今年早些時候表示, 該行不會讓客戶直接通過摩根士丹利購買和銷售加密數字貨幣,而是建立一個交易臺來支持與數字資產掛鉤的各種衍生品。
據熟悉該計劃的人士稱, 該行于6月聘請了安德魯皮為瑞士信貸集團的數字資產市場負責人。該人士說, 位于蘇黎世的尼爾向摩根士丹利全球股票交易主管道林報告。
一位知情人士本月早些時候表示, 花旗集團正在開發一種新針對數字貨幣的新交易機制, 稱為數字資產收益。高盛正在研究一種叫做 "不可交割遠期" 的比特幣衍生品, 并正在考慮為加密基金提供托管服務。
Morgan Stanley plans to offer bitcoin swap trading for clients
Morgan Stanley plans to offer trading in complex derivatives tied to the largest cryptocurrency, according to a person familiar with the matter, joining other Wall Street firms in creating ways for clients to play the digital currency market。
The U.S. bank will deal in contracts that give investors synthetic exposure to the performance of Bitcoin, said the person, who asked not to be identified because the information is private. Investors will be able to go long or short using the so-called price return swaps, and Morgan Stanley will charge a spread for each transaction, the person said.
The bank is already technically prepared to offer the Bitcoin swap trading, and will launch once there is proven institutional client demand and after the completion of an internal approval process, the person said. A spokesman for Morgan Stanley declined to comment on the initiative.
Wall Street’s biggest banks are pushing ahead with plans to offer sophisticated derivatives tied to digital assets, even as the market value for cryptocurrencies collapses beneath them. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Citigroup Inc. are also preparing new products tied to Bitcoin, which has lost more than half its value this year.
Morgan Stanley does not plan to trade Bitcoin directly and its swaps are tied to Bitcoin futures contracts, the person said. Chief Executive Officer James Gorman said earlier this year that the bank wouldn’t let customers buy and sell cryptocurrencies directly through Morgan Stanley, but would instead build a trading desk to support various derivatives tied to digital assets.
The bank hired Andrew Peel as head of digital asset markets from Credit Suisse Group AG in June, according to the person familiar with the plan. Peel, based in Zurich, reports to Niall Dowling, Morgan Stanley’s global head of equities trading, the person said.
Citigroup is developing a new mechanism for trading cryptocurrencies known as digital asset receipts, a person with knowledge of the plans said earlier this month. Goldman Sachs is exploring derivatives on Bitcoin called non-deliverable forwards, and is considering a plan to offer custody for crypto funds.